
Wednesday, November 22, 2023 by Montez Press Radio #performance #fashion

A--Company, Antigone

A--Company presents collection 9 1/2 in the form of one-act play workshop, performing part of ANTIGONE (a new version by Anne Carson). Collapsing the edges of what is considered a play, performance, fashion show, A--Company insists through the deconstruction of form, the possible futurity is already building.

Listen to the performance, further deconstructed on Montez Press Radio, here.

The play was directed by Daphné Dumons and performed by Blake Abbie, Morgan Bassichis, Jeremy O’ Harris, Sydney Lemmon, Rad Pereira, Bobby Slavör Menuez, Sophie Becker, and Diamond Stingily.

A--COMPANY, established in 2018 by designer Sara Lopez, is a ready-to-wear and accessories label based in New York City.