
Tuesday, April 4, 2023 by DJ Uncertain

Empathy and Texture

Former MPR contributors ➚Sam Korman and ➚Ted Barrow (joined by coolest skater of all time, ➚Jerry Hsu, Lurker Lou, and Akwasi Owusu) discuss why "skateboarding is not a art" but what the two worlds might learn from one another. Among art works discussed:  Dan Graham's ➚Skateboard Pavilion, 1989 which reinserts dirty kids into a sterile city center of Stuttgart, Mierle Landerman Ukles' ➚sanitation work reconsidering what city maintenance and care work can look like, Ashley Bickerton on expression beyond the branded environment (these are two industries in the business of constructing and selling identities after all), ➚AK Burns' & AL Steiner's ➚Community Action Center, 2010, on literal orgies with the homies, love, and friendships esp as seen in There's ➚"Ruining Skateboarding". Robert Smithson's ultimate spotchecker mission ➚A Tour of The Monuments of Passaic, 1979-84, and the concept of non-sites in Jersey, or scrappy places organized around form more than time. Nancy Holt's ➚Dark Star Park, 1979-84, reinvigorating forgotten civic spaces and the bureaucracies that govern them with something spiritual, Arakawa and Gins' ➚The Site of Reversible Destiny, 1995, is just wacky formalism like early 2000s mega ramps, and Dena Yago's ➚Content Industrial Complex on branding, precarious work, and new models for keeping money within a community.

The best critical writing on skateboarding happening right now is on Sam's blog, ➚Waxing the Curb. And then find 24+ hours of his radio show, In Conclusion: A Review of Reviews, ➚in the MPR archive.